profit and loss / Class - 1-2-3 / New St. Mery English School

Problem type - 1

1- Find the profit or loss if cost price = Rs 270 and selling price = Rs 300

2- Find the profit or loss if cost price = Rs 325 and selling price = Rs 275

3- Find the profit or loss if selling price = Rs 895 and cost price = Rs 818

4- Find the profit or loss if selling price = Rs 1000 and cost price = Rs 1080

5- Find the profit or loss if cost price = Rs 136 and selling price = Rs140

6- Find the profit or loss if cost price = Rs 248 and selling price = Rs178

Problem type - 2

1- The selling price of a watch is Rs 1500 and the cost price is Rs 1400. Find the profit or loss.

2- A shopkeeper buys a football for Rs 150 and sells it at Rs 210. What was his profit or loss. 

3- Raman bought a pair of goggles for Rs 84. He sold it to his friend for Rs 75. What profior loss did he make

4- The cost price of a book is Rs 22.25 and its selling price is Rs 20.50. Find the profit or loss.

5- A pen is bought for Rs 7.75 and sold at Rs 6.25. Find profit or loss. 

6- Praveen sold a Water filter for Rs 960. He had bought it for Rs 875. Find his profit or loss.

7- A man bought a dozen eggs at Rs 1.10 per egg. He sold the eggs at Rs 1.50. What was his profit. 

8- A business man bought an Almira for Rs 1800. He spent Rs 50 on transporting it to his shop. He sold it for Rs 2100. What was his profit. 

9- A man bought a machine for Rs 12175 and paid Rs 450 for transporting it  to his town.  He sold it for Rs 14800. What was his profit?

Problem type -3

1- Find the selling price, if cost price = Rs 780 and profit = Rs 78

2- Find the selling price, if cost price = Rs 1220 and loss = Rs244

3- Find the cost price, if Selling price = Rs 4325 and profit = Rs 432

4- Find the cost price, if selling price = Rs13456 and loss = Rs 544

5- Find the selling price, if cost price = Rs 999 and profit = Rs99

6- Find the selling price, if cost price = Rs 1678 and loss = Rs167

7- Find the cost price, if Selling price = Rs 4890 and profit = Rs 480

8- Find the cost price, if selling price = Rs7896 and loss = Rs 785

Problem type -4

1- A moped is bought at Rs 15,000. At what price should it be sold to make a profit of Rs 2,180?

2- A cap is bought at Rs 12.50. It sold at a loss of Rs 4.25. At what price was the cap sold 

3- A man buys a machine. He sells it at Rs 6570 and makes a profit of Rs 1,020. What was the cost price of the machine.

4- A shopkeeper suffers a loss of Rs 2,527 by selling a TV for Rs 11825. What was the cost price of the TV.

5- A chair was bought for Rs 575. At what price should it be sold to gain Rs 57

6- A table was bought for Rs 800. It was sold at profit of Rs 160. Find the selling price.  

Problem type -5

1- If cost price = Rs 150 ,profit = Rs 15 , find the profit percent.

2- If cost price = Rs 500 ,profit = Rs 50 , find the profit percent.

3- If cost price = Rs 900 ,profit = Rs 300 , find the profit percent.

4- If cost price = Rs 80 ,profit = Rs 20 , find the profit percent.

5- If cost price = Rs 450 ,profit = Rs 50 , find the profit percent.

Problem type -6

1- If cost price = Rs 300 ,loss = Rs 50 , find the loss percent.

2- If cost price = Rs 80 ,loss = Rs 16 , find the loss percent.

3- If cost price = Rs 1200 ,loss = Rs 120 , find the loss percent.

4- If cost price = Rs 5000 ,loss = Rs 1000 , find the loss percent.

5- If cost price = Rs 1500 ,loss = Rs 300 , find the loss percent.

Problem type -7

1- If selling price = Rs 150 ,profit = Rs 15 , find the profit percent.

2- If selling price = Rs 500 ,profit = Rs 50 , find the profit percent.

3- If selling price = Rs 900 ,profit = Rs 300 , find the profit percent.

4- If selling price = Rs 80 ,profit = Rs 20 , find the profit percent.

5- If selling price = Rs 450 ,profit = Rs 50 , find the profit percent.

Problem type -8

1- If selling price = Rs 300 ,loss = Rs 50 , find the loss percent.

2- If selling price = Rs 80 ,loss = Rs 16 , find the loss percent.

3- If selling price = Rs 1200 ,loss = Rs 120 , find the loss percent.

4- If selling price = Rs 5000 ,loss = Rs 1000 , find the loss percent.

5- If selling price = Rs 1500 ,loss = Rs 300 , find the loss percent.

Problem type -9

1- A tricycle was purchased for Rs 1120 and sold for Rs 1336. find the profit and profit percent.

2- A fan was bought for Rs 1400 and sold for Rs 1260. find the loss and loss percent.

3- A chair was purchased for Rs 900 and sold for Rs 1000. find the profit and profit percent.

4- A table was purchased for Rs 800 and sold for Rs 600. find the loss and loss percent.

5- A table was bought for Rs 600 and sold for Rs 700. find the profit and profit percent.

6-A box was purchased for Rs 400 and sold for Rs 300. find the loss and loss percent.










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