Write in figures - class 1-2-3 / Knowledge Hub

 Write in figures



3-eighty eight

4-fifty two

5-ninety nine

6- thirty six

7- nineteen

8- forty nine

9- sixty eight

10- seventy two

Write in figures

1-three hundred eight

2-five hundred sixty three

3-nine hundred twelve

4-two hundred ninety six

5- seven hundred thirty 

Write in figures

1-nine thousand three hundred eight

2-four thousand five hundred sixty three

3-two thousand nine hundred twelve

4-eight thousand two hundred ninety six

5- one thousand seven hundred thirty

Write in figures

1-sixtynine thousand three hundred eight

2-thirtyfour thousand five hundred sixty three

3-fortytwo thousand nine hundred twelve

4-ninetyeight thousand two hundred ninety six

5- eightyone thousand seven hundred thirty

Write in figures

1-three lakh sixtynine thousand three hundred eight

2-nine lakh thirtyfour thousand five hundred sixty three

3-six lakh fortytwo thousand nine hundred twelve

4-four lakh ninetyeight thousand two hundred ninety six

5- seven lakh eightyone thousand seven hundred thirty

6- seven lakh fifty seven thousand and sixty nine

Write in figures

1-eighty three lakh sixtynine thousand three hundred eight

2-seventy nine lakh thirtyfour thousand five hundred sixty three

3-twenty six lakh fortytwo thousand nine hundred twelve

4-ninety four lakh ninetyeight thousand two hundred ninety six

5- fifty seven lakh eightyone thousand seven hundred thirty

6- sixtyfour lakh, seven thousand, nine hundred and twelve

7- twenty lakh five hundred and fifty three

8- ninety nine lakh nine thousand nine hundred and nine.

9- twelve lakh thirty one thousand and five hundred

Write in figures

1-nine crore eighty three lakh sixtynine thousand three hundred eight

2-two crore seventy nine lakh thirtyfour thousand five hundred sixty three

3-eight crore twenty six lakh fortytwo thousand nine hundred twelve

4-five crore ninety four lakh ninetyeight thousand two hundred ninety six

5-four crore fifty seven lakh eightyone thousand seven hundred thirty

6- one crore

7- Two crore seventy two lakh seventy thousand and seven.

8- Four crore six lakh twelve thousans four hundred

Write in figures

1-thirty nine crore eighty three lakh sixtynine thousand three hundred eight

2-seventy two crore seventy nine lakh thirtyfour thousand five hundred sixty three

3-sixty eight crore twenty six lakh fortytwo thousand nine hundred twelve

4-ninety five crore ninety four lakh ninetyeight thousand two hundred ninety six

5-eighty four crore fifty seven lakh eightyone thousand seven hundred thirty

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