unitary method / class 1-2-3 / Knowledge Hub

Unitary method ( simple )

1- the cost of a chair is Rs 375. Find the cost of 125 such chairs.

2- The cost of a computer is Rs 5000. Find the cost of 12 such computers

3- The cost of a book is Rs 250. Find the cost of 9 such books.

4- The cost of one bag is Rs 162. Find the cost of 8 such bags.

5- The cost of one television is Rs 2500. Find the cost of 5 such televisions.

Unitary method( complex )

1- The cost of 20chairs is 4000.find the cost of 15 such chairs.

2-The cost of 16 bulbs is RS.800. find the cost of 10 such bukbs.

3-The cost of 20KG of apples is RS 1500 . Find the cost of 15 KG of apples.

4-The cost of 10KG of sweets is Rs 1600. Find the cost of 18 kg of sweets .

5- The cost of 15 fans is Rs 15000. find the cost of 10 such fans.

6- If the cost of 6 chocolates is Rs 72. Find the cost of 12 chocolates.

7- If the cost of 5 ribbon is Rs 175. Find the cost of 3 ribbon.

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