divisibility rule / exercise - class 1-2-3 / Knowledge

 Circle the numbers that are divisible by 2

a) 4, 5 , 8 , 6 , 7

b) 11 , 24 , 30 , 95 , 99

c) 100 , 109 , 427 , 524

d) 1346 , 4235 , 5002 , 10100

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 3

a) 5 , 6 , 8 , 9

b) 12 , 17 , 45 , 96 , 62

c) 111 , 320 , 428 , 732

d) 1234 , 3150 , 5022 , 8102

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 4

a) 40, 712, 5422, 33308

b) 56, 108, 9005, 15606

c) 726, 96, 9824, 76504

d) 27 , 138, 3036, 56311

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 5

a) 5, 6, 8, 9, 7

b) 10, 22, 35, 60, 95

c) 110, 215, 354, 870, 900

d) 1235, 5002, 3550, 6065

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 6

a) 2070 , 46523 , 71232 

b) 934706 ,251780 , 872536

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 8

a) 9364 , 2138 , 36792 

b) 901674 , 136976 ,1790184

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 9

a) 2358 , 3333 , 98712 

b) 257106 ,647514 ,326999

Circle the numbers that is divisible by 10

a) 5790 , 63215 , 55555 

b) 934706 ,251780 , 872536

Circle the number that is divisible by 11

a) 4334, 83721, 66311, 23451

b) 137269, 901351, 8790322, 141262

Circle the number that is divisible by 7

a) 826, 117, 2345, 36792

b) 6021, 14126, 25368, 98712 




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