lcm / word problem / exercise / class 4-5/ Knowledge Hub

 Problem type - 1

1- find LCM of 25, 30 and 40 using prime factorization method.

2- find LCM of 42, 36 and 21 using prime factorization method.

3- find LCM of 26, 14 and 91 using prime factorization method.

4- find LCM of 36, 64, and 80 using prime factorization method.

5- find LCM of 36, 60, 84 and 90 using prime factorization method.


 Problem type -2

1- find LCM of 64, 96 and 112 using division method.

2- find LCM of 15, 45, 125 and 225 using division method.

3- find LCM of 44, 126, 198 and 280 using division method.

4- find LCM of 12, 36, 16, 24 and 32 using division method.

5- find LCM of 18, 28, 35, 60 and 100 using division method.

Problem type -3

1- Find the smallest number that can be exactly divided by 72 and 108 without leaving any remainder.

Problem type - 4

1- Find the smallest number which when divided by 6, 8, 12, 15 and 20  leaves the same remainder 5.

Problem type -5

 1-Find the smallest number of five digit that can be exactly divided by 60, 80 and 90

2- find the smallest number of four digits which when divided 6, 8, 12  and 20 leaves no remainder

Problem type -6

 1-Find the smallest number of five digit that can be exactly divided by 60, 80 and 90 leaves 2 as remainder.

2- find the smallest number of four digits which when divided 6, 8, 12  and 20 leaves 5 as remainder.


Problem type -7

 1- Find the greatest number of 6 digits which is exactly divisible by 27, 45, 60, 72 and 96.

2- Find the greatest number of three digits that can be exactly divided by 45, 60 and 75 

Problem type -8

 1- Four bells ring together. If the bells ring at intervals of 2, 5, 8 and 10 seconds respectively, after what interval of time will they ring together again.


Problem type -9

 1- Three bells ring at intervals of 10, 15 and 20 minutes respectively. The three bells ring together at 12 o' clock. At what time will they ring together next.

2- In a zoo three lions roar together at 10 a.m. If the lions roar regularly at the intervals of 10, 15 and 12 minutes respectively then at what time will they roar together again.

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