Natural number / whole number / integers / rational numbers / Class-4-5 / New st. Mery English School

What are natural numbers?

Ans:- Counting numbers are called natural numbers.

Ex:- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .................

Which is the smallest natural number?

Ans:- 1

Which is the greatest natural number?

Ans:- can not be findable

What are whole numbers?

Ans:- All natural numbers together with 0 (zero ) are called whole numbers.

Ex:- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .................

Which is the smallest whole number?


Which is the greatest whole number?

Ans:- can not be findable

Write the next three whole numbers after 30999

Write the three whole numbers occuring just before 10001

Write the three whole numbers occuring just after 10001

How many whole numbers are there between 1032 and 1209?

Which is the smallest whole number?

Write down the consecutive whole numbers just preceding7510001




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